Building Community: Focused, Schoolwide Expectations
At the beginning of the school year, when scanning our staff in terms of what was going on for our students, the common theme was the need to focus on common, schoolwide expectations that were focused upon the positive behaviours we wanted to continue to review and reinforce. We focused first upon the need to feel safe at school, and what this looks, feels, and sounds like. When we all collectively know the expectations and processes amongst a school community this lends itself to a feeling of safety. With routines and structures in place, and with high expectations for all, this lends itself to a feeling of safety and knowing that we care for and value our students. A safe and supportive school culture should reflect shared values. As part of this focus, our staff also did a "Shared Values" Professional Development Day. We also started off the year with a schoolwide assembly to establish clear expectations of behaviours and rules we are all expected to uphold at Blundell, including our District Code of Conduct. We continue to work on these values at each monthly Recognition Assembly. For example, one value that we focused upon at one of our assemblies was Empathy. Our next steps are to scan our staff again about progress they have noted from the start of the year until the present. We will also scan our students so that we hear from them about their values and what they feel is important in continuing to build a supportive school culture.