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Literacy Focus Using Data/Assessment to Drive Instruction

Each term of the 2023/2024 school year, our staff completed reading assessments using the Acadience Reading K-6 assessment. Acadience Reading is a universal screening and progress monitoring assessment that measures the acquisition of early literacy skills from Kindergarten through Grade 6.  The Acadience Reading measures are brief, informative indicators of foundational early literacy skills.  These assessments serve as universal screening/benchmark assessments and progress monitoring measures.   The essential early literacy/reading skills in this assessment include (based on the grade level):  phonemic awareness; the alphabetic principle and basic phonics; advanced phonics and word attack skills; accurate and fluent reading of connecting text; reading comprehension; and vocabulary and oral language.  


These assessments provided evidence that we must ensure we continue to provide early intervention to students struggling with their literacy development.  We used the data compiled from last year, and this provided information that we used to dive further into literacy support and intervention for this year.  We again assessed all students in the fall, and will do so again once more in the spring, and later at the end of the year.  This will hopefully demonstrate that our interventions, instruction, and supports are making a difference in the literacy development of our students.

Updated: Monday, January 6, 2025