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Our School Story

Blundell Elementary—History and Context

Blundell Elementary school opened in 1954 and is located on Blundell Road between No. 2 Road and Gilbert Road. It received its name from the nearby interurban Blundell Station and, of course, from the road on which it is located. T. Blundell-Brown was an employee with the British Columbia Electric Interurban Company.

Blundell Elementary is now home to over 240 students having grown by about 50 students in 2023. Our school is made up of a diverse community from a multitude of cultural backgrounds.  Blundell is also home to a district-based program, Richmond Schools Program. This program partners with Vancouver Coastal Health and The Richmond School Board to provide support for families and students. 

Blundell is a closely connected community where staff are committed to upholding an inclusive and supportive environment for our students and their families.  We have a small and very dedicated Parent Advisory Committee that works collaboratively to support our community through a variety of regular activities. 

Our school story question for the 2023-2024 school year is:

Our Focus

Blundell Elementary 1974.




Blundell School Story Focus 2021-2022

Blundell continued this year with the school goal of connecting to the core competencies and increasing student engagement and understanding of them.

These competencies include: Personal Awareness (I feel good about myself and about being a Blundell Bobcat), Social Responsibility (I can work and play respectfully and safely in our shared space) and Communication (I can listen and respond to others respectfully). 

Over the course of the school year as a staff we continued to scan our community.  We have noticed that this year, more so than any other year, students’ ability to self-regulate and be resilient across a variety of situations has become more challenging. 

We intend to change our focus for the 2022-2023 school year.  Our focus will be updated in October 2022. 


Our School Story--January 2019

Blundell Bobcats are…friendly, kind, welcoming, caring, supportive, encouraging, accepting, etc.  These are just a few of the key words used by students, parents and staff when they were asked to describe what made our small and diverse learning community "great."  More than 90% of the responses emphasized the people in the community and are reflective of our school’s motto: “Together: Learning and Caring.” 

These words are also echoed by families new to our school this year in September 2019.   In person and through other forms of communication, students and parents have shared how happy they are at Blundell and commented on the friendliness and warmth of our school environnment.

As a community, we focus on being S.H.A.R.P (Safe, Helpful, Accountable, Respectful, Positive).  Each day, we strive to live by these values through our thoughts, actions and words.


Our Focus

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